
4 conspiracy theories about the origin and future of Bitcoin

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There is no doubt that the cryptocurrencies have stirred up the veins of not only a few geeks, but today we can safely talk about the coming blockchain revolution that will change our world. And in fact, it was Bitcoin who ignited this flame. Suddenly, something has emerged that is changing the way money works we have been used to for over 1,000 years. Bitcoin is destroying the status quo, and it’s no wonder that with its rise and growing popularity, conspiracy theories emerge. Some may entertain, others lead us to think more deeply about the society in which we live. Whether you’re speculating with Bitcoin ( Is it the best time to invest in Bitcoin right now? ) Or so far just watching the world of cryptocurrencies from a distance, I think a brief recapitulation will be beneficial.

Conspiracy theories generally speak of a new world order (NWO). There is often talk of a chosen elite who will overthrow the current leaders and governments of the states and establish a new order. The question that will constantly accompany us is: Aren’t these the days when one of the greatest (r) evolutions in human history is taking place in the background?

1. The governments of the most influential states buy cryptocurrencies

Already in 2013, a thread appeared on the foreign bitcoin forum, which addressed how the governments of the most important countries in the world (especially the USA and China) buy Bitcoin. They may publicly claim that this is a currency that is not currently credible and do not want to be accepted as official, but internal guidelines sound different. Speculation about China’s official ban not only ICO (Initial Coin Offerings) but also Bitcoin can stifle the price of all cryptocurrencies (and create an ideal buying opportunity?). Although this theory has never been confirmed and lacks (perhaps all possible) evidence, it makes us wonder how easily society can be manipulated.. The idea that governments buy cryptocurrencies cheaply, wait for them to grow, and in a few years, for example, approve Bitcoin as the official currency with a significantly higher value, sounds unbelievable (real).

There are a number of conspiracy theories that are on a similar wave. It may not be a matter of buying Bitcoin by the governments of the world, but the essence is the conscious influence of the market and the media, which moves the price up and down . This is followed by purchases or sales and elites who have inside information or organize the whole process only benefit from these “market changes”. But this is not the monetary value that Bitcoin has, it is about extracting the maximum from the inevitable end. The inevitable end of this conspiracy theory is that Bitcoin will be the world’s currency and will wipe out money to the last paper mill and blacksmith. Interesting in this context was the statement of Vitalik Buterin (founder of the cryptocurrency Ethereum), who does not expect cryptocurrencies to replace FIAT money(Dollar, Euro, Juan) in the near future. The first question must be whether it is a targeted statement given the ongoing cryptocurrency dump and the growing fear of government regulations (currently hot China), and the second question follows what the “near future” is.

2. Bitcoin is an experiment from the NSA

The best-known conspiracy theory about Bitcoin is based on the idea that Bitcoin is an experiment by the American NSA (some talk about the CIA). Bitcoin’s alleged inventor Satoshi Nakamoto (whose identity is still unknown, in rough translation from Japanese the name means “Central Intelligence”) is in fact just a paper name for this project. The NSA owns a backdoor script, which is where the theories begin to differ.

Some conspiracy theories only point out that cryptocurrencies, and Bitcoin in particular, are not as secure as they say, allowing the US authorities better control over the movement of money. Other theories even state that thanks to a special script, the NSA is able to track individual transactions and specific persons. They have released something that big fish could use for their darker businesses, and detecting criminals should be more effective. Alleged decentralization is, in fact, 100% centralized. SHA-256 transaction protection is actually from the CIA / NSA workshop.

3. Bitcoin was created by China to gain greater independence from the USD

Given the number of Bitcoin trades in China and the positive acceptance of this cryptocurrency, it is speculated that Bitcoin was created by (government) organizations in China. The alleged reason is the disruption of the dominance of the US dollar and the removal of the Chinese Yuan’s dependence on the USD . With this conspiracy, we come to the initial ideas and the demolition of the status quo that has prevailed here for at least decades, if we talk about US dominance.

It is especially interesting to look at China and world trade from a macroeconomic point of view. After all, many American economists say that if China does not grow by 6%, the US economy cannot grow. Many do not realize this, but Chinese products compete strongly with European and American (quality is “poor”, but we live in a consumer society, so we do not mind). AliExpress is a new eBay, Aukr and even Heureka together, especially for the young generation. Let’s just think, we’ve been sending our money to China for decades to supply us with products. The wealth that China has today is enormous, and it is slowly becoming clearer and clearer (just look at what realities rich Chinese are buying around the world). In short, is it the Chinese elite who will determine the course of world history in the future?

4. Satoshi Nakamoto has 1 million BTC and is he living artificial intelligence?

Some conspiracy theories suggest that Satoshi has 1 million BTC in his account, and revealing his identity would obviously not help anyone (Satoshi or investors). If Satoshi had not previously worked with the government or the NWO (New World Order) elite, then probably now. This is one theory, but many other theories speculate that Satoshi Nakamoto is not an individual and that he is not a real person. But some have let go of the imagination so far that they even talk about the artificial intelligence behind Bitcoin. Artificial intelligence (AI) can already be encountered in everyday life (self-driving cars, logistics, machine intelligent translations, neurosciences, etc.), but society is probably not yet ready to hear that it will not be human, but AI who will create a new world.

Do you believe in conspiracy theories and is it possible that NWO elites or artificial intelligence are behind Bitcoin? Write in the comments and share on how the conspiracy theories you came across are what are likely and how crazy!