
Cryptocurrencies in which I invest the most money

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The money we still know as dollars, euros or Czech crowns may stop paying sooner than we thought. In 2017, when I first published this article, I wrote that the age of cryptocurrencies – digital money – was coming . During those 4 years until 2021, we have come a long way. Therefore, I fully updated the article to April 2021 to present my current view on the same topic: Cryptocurrencies, in which I invest the most money .

Admittedly, cryptocurrencies are more of an investment tool than a functional one. The original idea of ​​Bitcoin as a new means of payment is not yet fulfilled. Bitcoin is not paid today, rather investors accumulate and trade it. However, his visions are fascinating. Similarly, there are other cryptocurrencies, of which there are literally thousands today.

The most talked about is Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, which still holds the first position in terms of investor interest, development team and adoption and real use. But the price of Bitcoin is not rising as fast as other cryptocurrencies. And this is simply the reason why many investors want to speculate (invest) in other cryptocurrencies.

Even before I reveal my favorite and, in my opinion, currently the best cryptocurrencies for investment, I want to explain my point of view.

What is cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that is based on cryptography. Cryptography is dedicated to encryption. Money on the Internet needs to be protected from copying, and so digital money has taken on the name of the cryptocurrency – as a currency that is encrypted.

This is a very simplified explanation. In fact, digital money is not the same as cryptocurrencies, but let’s not complicate things for a start.

So it’s digital money that is used (like any other money) to exchange. Today’s dollars, euros and Czech crowns exist predominantly only as numbers in bank accounts. Cash is gradually disappearing from the world and there are already predictions about state plans for the so-called cashless society.

Digital money is the future. The question is not whether we will use them, but when we will start using them.


Most cryptocurrencies have taken one more step towards decentralization. Dencetralization means that you are not controlled and managed by a central authority. In today’s world, money is controlled by the state, and therefore central banks. These are the current central authorities.

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are decentralized, ie separated from central authorities. Their vision is to separate money from the state, because that is what currently weighs on dollars, euros and other national currencies. As in previous centuries, religion separated from the state (which was previously taken for granted in order for religion to be governed by the state), so today we stand on the horizon of the separation of money from state power.

Fintech, financial innovative technology

Evolution is unstoppable, innovation is uncompromising, and there seems to be a lot of banking in the 21st century. Fintech is experiencing its biggest boom in history, as confirmed by the Finnovate Europe conference . The whole fintech field is destroying one status quo after another. The bank is a surviving dinosaur and the emerging organism, which is to control a number of important financial processes, is blockchain technology .

It is no wonder that many young and old individuals, with an interest in new technologies, industry 4.0, innovation and Internet 2.0, are trying to catch this commuter train and slam something out of it.

After writing an article about the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, I received a number of responses and questions, so now I want to pay attention to other cryptocurrencies – altcoins, which in my opinion have an investment and practical future .

Investing in cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are still in their infancy today, so most are still held as investments rather than as a means of exchanging goods and services or other functional services.

First of all, I would like to draw attention to beginning investors in cryptocurrencies on the Golden Seven:

  1. There is almost no state regulation in cryptocurrencies.
  2. The cryptocurrency market is manipulated by big players (and so-called whales).
  3. Investing in cryptocurrencies is inclined to speculation rather than fundamental investment.
  4. The cryptocurrency market is hugely volatile. Daily movement of ten, twenty or even thirty percent is no exception.
  5. The price of cryptocurrency is affected by market sentiment.
  6. The media can influence the buying or selling behavior of investors. And they do it on purpose. They are paid for it by some cryptocurrency projects.
  7. Fake news is more common in the cryptocurrency environment than in any other field. There are studies that estimate fake news in the crypt at 30%. I.e. every third message you read is untrue or largely misleading.

All the information I share is purely for educational purposes. These are not investment recommendations. Invest only the resources you can afford to lose. Only invest in what you understand. Investing in cryptocurrencies is extremely risky.

The best cryptocurrencies for investment

What are the best cryptocurrencies for value for money? How to make hundreds of percent a year, value your money by investing in cryptocurrencies? Unfortunately, I can’t give any instructions or specific tips on how to do it. I don’t know which cryptocurrencies will double, which will be tenfold, which are the best to invest in and which have the best potential for 2021.

None of us probably know that. Undoubtedly, there will be those on the Internet who will prophesy of a crystal ball. But instead of speculation and witchcraft divination, I want to uncover the cryptocurrencies that I personally believe in and in which I have invested. Nothing more, nothing less, no sauces. Everyone has to do the research themselves. We all have a responsibility for investment decisions as well as for our own lives!

The safest cryptocurrencies

  1. Bitcoin (BTC)
  2. Ethereum (ETH)

Cryptocurrencies with the greatest potential

  1. Binance Coin (BNB)
  2. Cardano (ADA)
  3. VeChain (VET)

Other cryptocurrencies I’m tracking

Cryptocurrencies that I like and I’m considering investing.

  • Polkadot (DOT)
  • Solana (SOL)
  • Aave (AAVE)
  • PancakeSwap (CAKE)
  • Chiliz (CHZ)
  • Enjin Coin (ENJ)
  • Huobi Token (HT)
  • Decentraland (MANA)
  • Effort (WOZX)
  • Mobile Coin (MOB)
  • Diem (notified cryptocurrency of Facebook)

1. Bitcoin (BTC)

BTC price: 58000 USD (April 9, 2021)

Bitcoin is the best known cryptocurrency and is rightly at the forefront of the entire cryptocurrency market. Investment funds, banks, companies and retail investors consider bitcoin to be the number one cryptocurrency. Bitcoin was founded in 2008/2009 by a person or group named Satoshi Nakamoto and breathed new hope into the future of money. Money does not belong to the state, governments or central banks. Money belongs to people. Bitcoin belongs to the people!

Since 2016, when I first entered the cryptocurrency market, I have become a larger bitcoin maximalist, ie someone who prefers Bitcoin unlike other cryptocurrencies. If I can evaluate the investment steps so far, then I have made the most mistakes in trading by selling bitcoin for other altcoins.

I recommend my reflection on the price of BTC , whether it is a bitcoin bubble or is still a good time to invest.

It is true that the price of Bitcoin is not rising as fast as other altcoins. But it is almost always a short-term view. Days, weeks, months. It depends on what investment strategy you go to the cryptocurrency market and what your goals are.

Bitcoin is digital gold. If investment funds like Greyscale, banks like JP Morgan, companies like Tesla hold the largest position in bitcoin compared to other cryptocurrencies, then you have the courage to do otherwise and think you will be better and last better in the long run (calculated in years). Respect.

Much has been written about Bitcoin. However, I would like to emphasize that you do not just read the news articles and explore Bitcoin from a greater depth. I especially recommend the book Digital Gold, which will give you an incredible insight into the whole issue of digital money, the problem of today’s financial institutions. You will also learn behind the scenes and the development of Bitcoin, as perhaps nowhere on the Internet.

In 2017 I wrote:

BTC I believe despite the departures of some good old developers, I believe that the community will gradually go through problems (separated by cryptocurrency Bitcoin Cash – BCH – I do not believe too much). I would not be surprised by the value of a BTC within tens of thousands of USD in a few (few) years. The strategy is therefore clear – to buy in any slump and to hold, hold and hold – ie the HODL strategy.

How to buy Bitcoin

If you want to buy Bitcoin, I recommend the Binance exchange , which is in the Czech language. Strong, stable and secure stock exchange, one of the largest in the world. It offers high liquidity and fair rates. Minimum fees. Suitable for beginners and advanced. I personally use and recommend from my own experience.


By registering via this link, you will receive a 10% discount on trading fees.

2. Ethereum (ETH)

ETH price: 2072 USD (April 9, 2021)

Ethereum is a decentralized cryptocurrency that develops an ecosystem of smart contracts – a world that will work on technological approaches and verification of digital identities. If this is your first time reading Ethere, it may sound too complicated. Simply put, Ethereo is not about exchanging money like Bitcoin, but about exchanging information and verifying its accuracy. This will be crucial in the world of the Internet and the technological future of machines.

Ethereum was founded by Vitalik Buterin in 2015 and is the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization in the long run.

Ethereum was number one at the very beginning of my cryptocurrency. Maybe it was because I learned about it as “the first cryptocurrency,” unlike most who hear about bitcoin. Strange, but life has given me this experience.

Ethereum has a very strong community of developers and investors’ fans who claim that Ethereum is the future and that only the best awaits it. I like this cryptocurrency very much, but it is necessary to realize that Ethereum is not salvation and has a number of negatives (one of them may be the centralization of the ETH development of the founder Vitalik Buterin). However, I really trust Ethere very strongly, especially because of his smart contracts.

Unlike most (I dare say), I bought the first Ethereum for $ 19. It pays to stick, not to trade. Of course, over time, I traded / sold this ETH for other altcoins, which I thought had a better future. The opposite was true and it was another experience for me. And so I pass on, load to the best of your conscience and consciousness.

In 2017, Ethereum experienced the biggest price boost and powered the financing of ICO projects (similar to crowdfunding ventures). The price of ETH rose to almost 1,500 USD / ETH, but followed by a drop to 200 USD / ETH. At the beginning of 2021, we witnessed the price maximum being exceeded and the Etherea price goes over 2000 USD / ETH.

3. Binance Coin (BNB)

BNB price: 420 USD (April 9, 2021)

Binance Coin became the third largest cryptocurrency in 2021. Its success is behind the largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance. She launched her own Tokance Binance Coin in 2017, founded by Chinese businessman Changpeng Zhao. Binance Coin is used to pay transaction fees for trading. When using Binance Coin, the investor receives discounts, and therefore most investors on the Binance Exchange use the BNB and not, for example, the USDT to pay fees.

This is a very interesting business model, which at first glance looks very marketing. The Binance Stock Exchange simply decided to force investors to hold its tokens instead of other tokens. It was enough to offer sufficient reasons to use Binance Coin and immediately gained a real use-case. Moreover, so strong that other exchanges began to copy this model and today we already have exchange tokens, such as OKCoin, Huobi Coin, FTT token, Crypto Coin, etc.

Binance Coin saw a huge rise in prices at the beginning of 2021. Binance Coin is also attractive to investors in that they can use it to stack and invest in new projects that the Binance Exchange is listing and launching.

Binance Coin is one of my cryptocurrency favorites for 2021 with great potential for growth. Founder Changpeng Zhao is very capable and, according to my research, he is currently one of the most skilled entrepreneurs not only in China but all over the world. The Binance Exchange is innovative and attracts other new investors. Her future is very positive.

4. Cardano (ADA)

Cena ADA: 1.21 USD (9. dubna 2021)

Cardano is a cryptocurrency with ambitious goals and an emphasis on building an environment for smart contracts and interchangeability of cryptocurrencies. Fulfilling this to the final point is running for decades and not years. It is therefore necessary to carefully monitor the individual sub-objectives and their fulfillment.

Cardan’s founder is Charles Hoskinson, who co-founded Ethereum. Hoskinson is an important and trusted figure in the cryptocurrency world and for me he is one of the strongest individuals in the crypto world.

In 2021, Cardano is very focused on the African market. This is an environment that is not occupied by traditional banking and most residents have mobile phones rather than computers. If Cardan manages to occupy this market within 3 years and offer it a functional solution for financial transactions, it can be really big.

In the last months of 2021, Cardano lags behind other altcoins in terms of price, but I believe that Cardano’s days are yet to come.