
Digital horses and races in the virtual world. Entertainment, investment and modern work

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When I first said I bought a digital horse, no one understood much, didn’t understand what I was talking about, and thought I must be crazy. Digital horse, what is it? What’s the point? Sometimes I talked about me riding digital races with him, and a few unintelligible questions immediately followed about the fact that he wasn’t really a real horse because he was on the Internet.

WTF, why on earth?

We agreed it was a game. Okay, that would work, but I’m a little weird anyway.

We didn’t agree that it was the game of the future. We did not agree that it is not only a game but also an investment. And we never agreed that this could be a job. Not programming a game, but riding digital horses.

That was too much for people.

And how much did you spend on it, how much is such a horse? I shot it a little, that slightly under 10 thousand crowns. The price is difficult for me because you buy a digital horse for the cryptocurrency Ethereum . I bought this before, but according to the prices when I bought my first horse, it was at the level of 950 USD.

That’s bullshit, I heard.

And other puzzled looks and horror followed as I began to tell my vision that this would quite possibly be my new job.

I see! Clearly! That was really too much! Nobody took it too seriously.

Although few people know me well that I am “good on the Internet”, have “unconventional ideas”, “entrepreneurial and investment spirit” and “non-standard lifestyle”, this was a bigger bite for them.

Today I have over 10 horses and I have been researching and experimenting for 500+ hours. I want to share my vision of the future, which is strongly connected with the NFT gaming industry, cryptocurrencies and a new concept of work and entertainment.

Just as I started writing about remote work and digital nomadism in 2011, it was difficult for me to call myself a digital nomad at the time, so today I am not waiting for 100% results and evidence that it works. My style of blogging is that as soon as something I feel will work, I tame it for a while and then let it out.

I tamed digital horses for a while and now I am publishing with great conviction the first report of this kind, when my helm of work-entertainment-investment is turning radically . And I foresee that it will have far-reaching consequences (in work, money, lifestyle and personal life).

Digital horses are NFT

Imagine a digital horse on the internet in 3D. Its uniqueness and uniqueness is ensured through blockchain technology and NFT mode. For a closer understanding, I recommend the article What is NFT , now it will be enough to remind that it is a technology that prevents duplication, cloning, can determine the uniqueness and authenticity of digital things and at the same time transmit certain information.

Zed Run

In the spring of 2020, I discovered a blockchain game called Zed Run. These are digital races where you let your digital horse race.

I’ve been watching Blockchain’s world closely for quite some time. What really intrigued me about Zed Run was the amazingly crafted graphics at first glance. Finally, a game that is not childish and fabulously animated (such as Pokémon, KryptoKitties, Axies). At the same time, after an hour of studying, you can understand that this is an area that has a huge amount of data in it and it is a kind of strategy.

The starting capital is not the smallest, you can’t buy horses for $ 20 – which is a certain level that this will not be a game for everyone, but rather for more serious people. Currently, you can buy the cheapest and at the same time a bit solid horse (at least for learning) for about 200 USD. If you want to dive a little more into the game, I would count at least 1000 USD (horse, races, reproduction).

I liked that races are paid, so you can earn money by winning (or Ethereum). This is a new concept of games called Play to Earn Games. In Czech, we could call them games that you play and earn money at the same time.

In a decentralized blockchain world, there is talk that you can farm DeFi (decentralized finance), resp. by owning and storing certain cryptocurrencies you earn interest. Just like on a savings account. in the bank, but interest rates in the crypto world are generally 10% – 100% per year. You farm, cryptocurrencies bring you some passive income .

In the world of modern games, often built in conjunction with blockchain technology and associated with cryptocurrencies, it is said that you earn passive income through your digital assets.

  • By riding a horse, you earn ETH.
  • The owner of the horse earns ETH for providing his stallion to the stable (for breeding with a mare).

And other options are in development and on the roadmap (horse rental, etc.).

Digital horse on Zed Run

The game came with a comprehensive vision and implementation of racing horses.

She introduced digital horses in four origins (pedigrees, so-called bloodline):

  • Nakamoto (rarest, most valuable)
  • Szabo
  • Finney
  • Buterin (most common, most common and also the weakest pedigree)

Each digital horse is kept in the category of its ancestral tree – breeding type, in Czech we call it the type of horse.

Horse type:

  • Genesis (game developers put horses in the game, highest level, cleanest)
  • Legendary (Level 2)
  • Exclusive
  • Elite
  • Cross
  • Pacer

Below is a table that shows how each species of horse is formed when mating stallions (M as Male) and mares (F as Female).

It is clear that the “purest origin” has Genesis, followed by Legendary, then Exclusive, etc.

The closer to Genesis, the better your chances of the mother and father transferring their genes to the foal. Of course, there is a certain pattern, but this allows you to significantly influence the mating result.

Each horse has its own genotype, it is designated as Z1 – Z263. The lower the number Z, the better the horse’s chance of winning the race.

  • Nakamoto Genesis: Z1 a Z2
  • Szabo Genesis: Z3 a Z4
  • Finney Genesis: Z5, Z6, Z7
  • Buterin Genesis: Z8, Z9, Z10

When multiplying, the numbers add up. Thus, mating Buterin Z9 with Buterin Z10 produces Buterin Z19. Within the pedigree, a weaker pedigree always prevails over the foal. For example:

  • Nakamoto Genesis Z1 + Buterin Genesis Z9 = Buterin Z10
  • Szabo Legendary Z4 + Finney Legendary Z6 = Finney Exclusive Z10

Digital horses also have a different color (Coat Color). There are three types of colors – plain, rare and super rare. Each horse is differently colored and this information is stored within the NFT. Horses with rare and super rare color are more valued (they have a higher price).

How Zed Run works – digital horse racing

You nominate horses for individual races according to categories, ideally always for the category to which the horse belongs according to points (but you can also go higher).

Most races are set up with an entry fee that starts at $ 2.5. Races are also listed for an entry fee of $ 5, $ 10, $ 15, $ 25, $ 50, $ 100 and $ 500.

Interestingly, winning the race for $ 500 is $ 3,280 for first place, $ 1,370 for second place and $ 820 for third place. It’s really a no-brainer – it’s no wonder that Zed Run forms such a solid ecosystem around it and that a lot of that money is starting to spin here.

Occasionally there are free races, so you can race without having to pay an entry fee. Winning a free race in Class 5 is $ 2.5.

Race category – racing (Class = Class)

  • Griffin – horses that have not yet raced
  • Class 5 – horses with points 0-20
  • Class 4 – horses with points 21-40
  • Class 3 – horses with points 41-60
  • Class 2 – horses with points 61-80
  • Class 1- highest level for the best horses with points above 81

Class 5 has the weakest horses, class 1 has the strongest horses. The stronger the class, the higher the winnings. However, there are different races within one race class, so it is possible to have a strong horse in class 5 that will be profitable.

Each horse is awarded a number of points from birth:

  • Z1 – Z4 has 57
  • Z5 – Z9 has 37
  • Z10 + has 17

Subsequently, the horse gets 4 points for the 1st place, 3 points for the 2nd place, 2 points for the 3rd place and 1 point for the 4th place. If he places in 9th place, 1 point is deducted, 10th place means -2 points, 11th place -3 points and 12th place then -4 points.


Zed Run is really sophisticated and I will briefly summarize what else affects racing and horse results.