
How to make money blogging: 5 ways and 2 that I use

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Blogging is one of the most popular activities that allows you to combine travel and telecommuting . In the Czech Republic, bloggers are mainly represented by young girls who write about fashion, cosmetics, lifestyle and travel. But I don’t think it’s closed to boys or other topics in general. In this article, I would like to discuss in more detail how to make money blogging. Is it a tempting idea to have your blog that makes money every day or not? On the other hand, we probably realize right at the beginning that this is not an activity for everyone, resp. that more bloggers just blog and fewer blog, making money.

Tip: Creating a website on wordpress is very easy thanks to professional templates. Take advantage of this and not only log within your orders, but also for yourself – create a website and start building your brand.

Is it possible to make any money by blogging at all?

The first question we can think of is, is it even possible to make money by blogging?

I believe so.

It has one big BUT.

Blogging in the sense of writing articles with nice pictures is in itself non-profit. This activity must be somehow linked to the monetization system.

There are thousands and millions of bloggers who write and write. But they absolutely don’t have a well-thought-out plan for making money from blogging. A group of bloggers who write their blog for fun does not solve this and it is so okay. However, many people think that if they are already blogging, it would be great if they got a crown in their pocket.

Let’s find out how to make some of that money by blogging.

Modern blogging is not just about writing articles

For all who want to embark on a blogging career, I would like to emphasize that blogging really isn’t just about writing and publishing articles. That may have been enough in previous years. Today, however, there are millions of blogs, and simply pressing the Publish button will do virtually nothing.

If you do not market the article, ie you do not get it among people, then no one will ever read your blog. And why blog when it’s not for whom?

Modern blogging is more and more about creating links with readers. You create a bond based on harmony, similar life opinions, inspiring personal stories and your own open attitude.

That’s why bloggers love social networks. Facebook is not enough for them today. They set up Instagram and publish their mini-stories using photos. He makes short videos, for example on Snapchat. QA (Questions and Answers) are popular – it’s a personal connection!

Do you understand

That’s why the video is so trendy. We finally see the blogger, we already know who he is!

We need regular contact and this includes both new channels, ie social networks, and the old ones, such as an e-mail newsletter.

5 ways to make money blogging

The phase, which I call monetization, aims to present as many ways as possible to make money with a blog. Here I move blogging to a level where we don’t really have to “blog”, but it is enough if we develop, for example, a thematic page.

1. Posting an ad on the blog – Reward per click

The way we put advertising on our blog is probably the best way to make your blog. This is an interesting semi-passive form of income. Of course, it’s not perpetual-mobile, and by no means do you think that your blog will be a source of passive income .

Bloggers use advertising from Sklik . The great thing about it is that you only need to have an ID (entrepreneur with a trade license, free trade). Inserting Sklik ad code is relatively easy. You can paste it as pure HTML or WordPress templates often have their own box where to paste the ad, or you can use some wordpress plugins.

An ad from Google called Adsense is more effective than Sklik . The disadvantage of Adsense is that you have to become a VAT identifiable person. You will therefore pay VAT on this income. In addition, regular quarterly or monthly paperwork awaits you. It is generally stated that Adsense is at most 30% more powerful than Sklik. So put on Sklik first and after a few months you can easily calculate whether paperwork and VAT are worth the extra 30% of earnings or not.

If you’re into videos and you’re a vloger rather than a blogger, then YouTube allows Adsense ads to appear directly in the videos. The Czech market may be small, but if you start targeting English-speaking audiences, you may earn more. I write more about this in the article How to make money on YouTube .

In these advertising systems, you make money for every click. So when a reader clicks on an ad, the system adds a reward to you. This depends on a number of factors (eg the topic of advertising, competition), however, at the beginning of Sklik, expect a range of CZK 0.3 – CZK 5 per click. There are also areas and topics where you get more (eg 20 CZK) for one click, but in the beginning, stick to the ground when calculating.

2. Publication of PR article – Reward for publication

At a time when your blog has some traffic and is ideally an opinion leader in a certain area, then you can consider publishing PR articles. Of course, you can create a special Collaboration page on your blog, which you place in the main menu or footer of the website, thus allowing potential candidates to find this advertising option directly on your website.

Bloggers most often use special platforms that connect them with advertisers. In other words, it creates a blogging marketplace where advertisers can purchase PR article publications.

The price at which bloggers publish PR articles on their blog depends primarily on attendance, rankings and the target group of readers. Calculate in the range of 100 – 900 CZK for one PR article.

You can register your blog on the following platforms:

  • Copywriting
  • Hundreds of machines

Custom copywriting

If you enjoy writing, you can also write PR articles yourself and earn money not only for the publication, but also for writing the article itself. Copywriting is very common in freelancing and as a pen you can make money by writing to order. You can either write an article and put it up for sale, or you can fill out your copywriter profile, highlight what topics to handle well, and then wait for someone to select you and give you the text to write.

You can try custom copywriting on the following portals:

  • Copywriting
  • Hundreds of machines

3. Affiliate Cooperation – Remuneration for Sales

Affiliate is a way of collaborating where you, as a blogger, recommend certain third-party products or services. If the reader buys them, you get an agreed commission (usually 5% – 20%).

Here you do not earn for clicking on the link, but only for the sale made (there are exceptions, such as payment for the lead / contact, ie the completed form). However, the reward is usually within tens or hundreds of crowns.

If your blog has a trusted community of readers, an affiliate is definitely one of the best ways to make money on your blog. I personally prefer affiliate ways of earning.

An affiliate exists today for almost every possible product. So no matter what topic you blog on, you are always able to pair a related affiliate program. Take a look at the affiliate catalogs:

  • eCooperation

4. Individual cooperation – Remuneration for the event

Influential bloggers are able to arrange individual cooperation, both with media agencies and directly with e-shops or brick-and-mortar stores.

A relatively widespread trend is to send a package of products for free, where the blogger then writes reviews on the products, shoots a video, etc. To start a career in blogging, this is not a bad start, but you need to think about the future. Free products are great, but making real money just isn’t it.

Many bloggers can negotiate several thousand crowns for the publication of a competition article and a few instagram photos. It is not impossible. You need to have a loyal community of readers on your blog and present products and services that are fully in line with your current lifestyle. Remember that advertisers are requesting numbers . Web traffic (we count thousands here if we mean it), pageviews, time on site, and other statistics are important. Implement Google Analytics on your website . There are several ways to increase traffic to your blog. If you are interested, contact me, see the call at the end of the article.

Tereza Salte (better known as TerezaInOslo) has created an association of Czech bloggers within EliteBloggers, an agency designed to help bloggers negotiate good prices and de facto find potential contracts. Great idea! Unfortunately, she didn’t convince me in the video where she talks about her agency – watch here and judge for yourself .

You can use individual cooperation in any creative way. Podcasts are a developing trend in the Czech Republic ( 11 podcasts that I recommend ). In the West, they are commonly supplemented by short commercials for which advertisers pay. This will come to us soon as well. And you can be prepared for such advertiser demand with your podcast.

5. Sales of own products and services

Another way to make money by blogging is to create your own products or services and use the blog as a non-violent sales platform. With individual blog posts, you de facto build a relationship with your readers and then you are able to sell in a targeted manner.

A few years ago, David Kirš caused a crowd frenzy with the sale of e-books and member sections. Unfortunately, many people did not understand it correctly and the sale of info products got a pretty derogatory touch in the Czech environment. E-books (digital books) and member sections make sense and definitely have a place on the Internet. However, they need to be designed to provide added value to the customer / reader / user

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What do I use to sell digital products?

The most popular solutions for the automatic sale of digital products on the Czech market are SimpleShop by Daniel Nitra or SmartSelling ( MioWeb + FAPI + SmartEmailing ) by Firma 2.0 with founder David Kirš. I personally lean towards SimpleShop, which I also use on this site. I like the low price as well as the flexibility and easy connection to the wordpress web. However, I know from experience that those who do not want to have a website on wordpress and want to create it themselves, will rather use the solution of David Kirš.

Installing the WordPress system is very easy today (often with one click, eg on Wedos hosting for cheaper projects and Czech hosting for web projects you care about) and thanks to professional-looking templates from ThemeForest (30 – 60 USD) it will create a nice design website even a non-technical individual within a few hours.

Sales don’t have to be just virtual, you can sell physical products (but also count on a logistics solution here). Popular among nomads are, for example, handmade jewelry.

In the months I have been in the Czech Republic, I use my blog to market my own courses on travel and teleworking . Some entrepreneurs run their blog to attract their target group, who then present the possibility of buying tickets for training, seminars or conferences, etc.

Photographers can sell their own photos on the blog. Buying photos is popular through photobanks, but you don’t have to just stay with them. There are special plugins on wordpress that allow the reader to conveniently buy a photo directly from your blog. If you are returning to the Czech Republic, it is great to have a contact form on the website and link it with the offer of photography in the Czech Republic . Do you blog in English? Then of course you can offer your services anywhere in the world!

The offer of services within the blog can have its place and serves many bloggers well. However, this is a group of bloggers who are more freelancers than real avid bloggers.

Experiences of bloggers in the Czech Republic

A nice article was also written by Eva, who also described the topic of how to make the blog profit . Above all, it is a matter of determining the market niche, ie writing around a defined (ideally narrow) topic. The tendency of many young bloggers is to write about their lives and write everything that happens. However, such topics are very fragmented, often unconnected and, in addition, do not have to add value to the reader. Therefore, choose carefully.

Remote work tools

If you want to supplement your blogging with online sales, be sure to visit the Equipment page . Here I share an overview of tools, applications and services that I use myself and I can warmly recommend it to anyone who wants to do business on the Internet.

Recommendations for every blogger

I recommend every blogger to create their own website. Whether a presentation with a portfolio that will be his virtual business card and shop window or a website with a blog mode. And of course it can be combined.

At the same time, I recommend using the WordPress content management system and a professional design template for the website . I use it too and it cost me $ 60. You can manage the settings yourself in a few hours. These are preset professional-looking templates that will put your site at a great graphic level.

Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, TikTok,…) are important, but many bloggers make the mistake of concentrating on gathering a lot of followers. They have no website or place in the online world where they can send fans, where they can easily get their email address and of course where some sales can take place. Social networks are primarily for building communities, but if you want to sell, you will need a website or even an e-shop. Those interested can continue with the instructions on how to create an e-shop for free or at low cost.

A challenge for beginning bloggers

The idea of ​​blogging and specifically, for example, the possibility of earning 1000 crowns a day by a blog is great. Many people imagine how great it would be if they could travel the world and write about where they were everywhere, and just add photos to it. Or if the blog earned them at least enough to cover their monthly costs.

Writing and creating a blog is one thing. Marketing and proving through blogging is a different activity. Yes, if we have a community of people who follow the blog and support us, it’s easier to sell. However, if you want your blog to make money as soon as possible, it’s a good idea to set a blog monetization strategy right from the start.

Blog on WordPress

WordPress is the most widely used platform for creating blogs and personal pages. You don’t have to have programming skills to create your own WordPress website today. Instead of platforms like Webnode, Wix or MIO web, I recommend WordPress, because you will learn with it, there are a lot of instructions on the Internet, it is the most widespread platform and it is also free.

Take a look at how to create a WordPress website and you’ll find that everyone can handle it.

If you already have a website elsewhere, think about WordPress. You can play better with the design and layout of the site, there are a large number of professional WP templates that you install to create a new design.