
How to make money on the internet in 2021. Personal experience.

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Making money online is not yet normal, but we are only a few years from that moment. This desire of many of us expresses the need to have a job that we take anywhere anytime. In addition to money, it is supposed to give us more freedom. My personal desire to travel has turned my own work into a digital nomadic regime. In this article, based on my experience and my own research, I would like to present the most common ways to make money online.

Why make money online

Not everything can be attributed to Covid-19 and related measures, but it must be acknowledged that they are largely causing a shift in society’s perception of where we will be making money in the future. Some employees have been laid off or forced to change jobs in connection with government measures to close some establishments.

Working from home is a trend that in 2021 has a significant increase in the share across the entire company in the Czech Republic. Restrictions on curfews, encounters and other measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infectious disease also provide scope for the development of teleworking and making money on the Internet.

One of the most common reasons why people want to make money online is the remote work factor and the ability to do work during coronavirus measures. People do not spend time commuting to and from work, they can work from home or even from a cottage or on holiday.

  • Remote work
  • Location independence
  • Time savings
  • Own work environment
  • Possibilities of additional earnings on the Internet
  • Selection of an employer not only from the Czech Republic

The fundamental difference is the factor when people can change employers and get a job that is not geographically close to where they live. Their new job may even be abroad and they may earn a stronger currency, such as EUR or USD.

How to make money online

Don’t know how to start making money online, how to start a business or find a new interesting job that will allow you to work from home?

It is said that almost anyone can make money on the Internet without having any special skills. This is true to some extent, but we must not have completely pink glasses, that would not help us.

Certain online earnings requirements still apply. If we just want to make more money, then this is a more realistic idea at the beginning. If we want to start making money on the Internet from scratch and have income as the main income, then it is necessary to take into account that it will probably take several months before we get to it.

Basically, you will need the three most important elements.

  1. energy
  2. Time
  3. Creativity

Equipped with these elements, you will get the best starting position for you to start making money on the Internet.

But the most important thing has not been said yet – namely, what you really need. And it is:

  1. Work

There are also cakes without work on the Internet. If you think that some people make money on the Internet just by clicking on something from time to time or just publishing some photos on Instagram or buying and selling cryptocurrencies, then know that you do not see the whole picture and the reality is different. There are many myths and untruths, as is the case with passive income .

In this article, I try to explain the most common work activities or such work that is sought after or, in the end, the one around which there are great myths and untruths.

List of work activities with the possibility of earning online

The list of selected jobs below is intended to inspire readers and show what activities can be done online today and earn money while doing so. There are an infinite number of jobs that can be made on the Internet and it is not within the capacity of one article to list and write them all down. Therefore, I focus on those that are the most effective, long-term reliable, and at the same time I mention the controversial, ineffective and even fraudulent ones, which will take you not only time but also money.

1. Custom writing, copywriting


Writing lyrics for money is one of the most common activities and ways to make money online. Copywriting is an extended work that anyone can learn. You can write custom texts, arrange long-term cooperation for writing for a selected online magazine, or you can start writing your own blog and monetize it. If you already have some texts in the drawer, you can try to sell them.

Copywriting on web portals is not possible without partial knowledge of SEO, so-called text search engine optimization. Basic knowledge of link building is suitable and orientation in content management systems such as WordPress will also help.

Where to find a job as a copywriter or writing to order?

  • On social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • Own blog

2. Virtual assistant

A virtual assistant (or assistant) is a person who helps with the fulfillment of partial tasks consisting mainly in administration, information retrieval, e-mail communication, work with the calendar, project software, document revision, etc. The work of a virtual assistant is very diverse and can consist of various tasks and projects. A virtual assistant usually has so-called soft skills and is therefore not a specialist in selected issues.

The advantage of this work is that you do not have any special skills, you will basically need orientation on the Internet, e-mail, MS Office, Google Drive, shared documents and possibly other project-oriented programs such as Trello or Asana. Knowledge of social networks is also an advantage. The human approach, the sense of organization, the monitoring of deadlines and the overall tendency to facilitate and streamline work on the project / contract are especially important.

Where to find a job as a virtual assistant?

  • On social networks
  • Direct contact with online entrepreneurs
  • Own blog

3. Mikrozakázky


Work of all kinds, which is partial, short and delivered within a few hours or days. It can be copywriting, text formatting, graphics, website editing, promotion on social networks, reporting, administrative impact activities, adding goods and labels to the e-shop, creating subtitles, transcribing video into text, etc.

Certain micro-orders can also be handled by a virtual assistant, other micro-orders are dedicated to experts in the field.

Where to find a job in micro-orders?


4. Freelance work

Freelance work as a specialist for a specific activity. We most often meet programmers, coders, graphics, web designers, UX designers, marketers, copywriters, etc.

Where to find a freelance job?

  • Recommendation
  • Social networks
  • Own blog
  • Advertising
  • Word of mouth

5. Marketing on social networks

Social media marketing is one of the most popular and sought-after jobs in the online world. Although there is a relatively large competition, new people are constantly looking for full or partial management of social networks. The most common social networking administration is Facebook and Instagram. Other managed networks include YouTube, and the social network Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest is rarely managed.

The concept of social media marketing is very broad, so today there are specialists in specific social activities, such as:

  • Copywriting on social networks
  • Graphics on social networks
  • PPC reklama, Facebook Ads
  • Facebook group administrator

You don’t have to graduate from college, you can learn social media marketing online. In 3 months of study you will be at the junior level and from there you can continue to gain experience either through an agency or as a freelancer.

Where to find a job in social media marketing?

Ideally on social networks. Take advantage of Facebook groups that focus on the topic of social network management or groups where job vacancies are advertised.

Alternatively, you can try or general advertising portals such as and

6. Influence

Making money as an influencer is a dream of many generations of millennials. As we see on social networks, this is not impossible. There are thousands of influencers in the Czech Republic who make enough money to be their main job and not have to have any other job.

However, being an influencer is not a walk in the rose garden and this profession is very distorted by what we see on Instagram and Facebook.

Although we can buy likes, comments and followers for money today, the power of the influencer lies in the communication and the degree of involvement of its fans. And in the longer term. At the same time, there are tools that detect false monitors and can monitor the profile of the influencer and capture whether its activities are natural or controlled or supplemented by a robot.

Influencer is a person who builds fans and a community of people with similar interests around himself or his brands on social networks or other channels such as the web, podcast, video. It has a great influence on their further decisions.

Influencers are thus offered barter or financially rewarding collaborations, both short-term and long-term. At the same time, some influencers create their own products (merch, T-shirts, books, goods, fashion accessories, etc.).

Basically, you need at least 1000 followers on Instagram to be perceived as a micro influencer. For paid collaborations in the Czech Republic, you usually need 5 thousand to 10 thousand followers on Instagram. Then it depends on the level of involvement of your audience and followers. At the same time, it also depends on whether you have reach on multiple social networks, whether you have a website or blog with traffic, an e-mail database of readers, etc.

7. Sale of photographs, graphics, illustrations and videos

If you like to take photos, you can try to make money by selling photos on photo banks. Although it is often said on the Internet that this is a passive income, this is not the case. Selling photos on a photo bank is difficult, it requires high quality photos, a huge number of photos uploaded to the photo bank, the photographer’s great patience, as well as adding labels and tags to each uploaded photo.

Photobanks can certainly be a great semi-passive income if the photographer takes work with photobanks responsibly and with a long-term goal. Those interested can read more in the article How to make money on photo banks .

Photobanks are also a good place for illustrators and graphic artists. Often this art will bring higher earnings than photography.

You can also sell short videos and video spots. Video sales earnings are much higher than photo sales. You sell videos on so-called video banks, which are often connected within one photo bank portal.

8. Blogging

Blogging is an activity that previously referred only to writing texts on your own website, the so-called blog (diary). Over the course of several (decades) years, however, blogging has grown so much that today it includes creative work from all possible angles, including blogging (video production), podcasting (audio production) and communication on social networks.