
Investors’ outlook or what the Investment Forum was like in October 2019

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The Investment Forum, held on October 1, 2019, introduced the format of shorter lecture blocks, which alternated almost non-stop within 3 hours. In the middle of the year, the investor was able to listen to a number of investment opportunities that are worth considering and implementing in the portfolio.

Due to the expected crisis, which is still not coming, investors are gradually looking for alternative investments. The situation of historical highs for many financial assets only contributes to this. And so, from this conference, I felt a great focus on diversification within alternative investments.

The lectures were more about opening individual topics and investment opportunities than their in-depth analysis. However, I really liked that, because we often feel that we are missing out on some opportunities. These are exactly the events where we can get perspective and tips from other investors and those interested in valuing money .

Selected ideas that interested me:

  • If a crisis comes, it is quite likely that it will start in Europe.
  • Many investors are showing a step towards the US market, which they consider to be better prepared for the crisis.
  • The hydrogen economy can become the next The next big thing. Hydrogen has a number of advantages over batteries.
  • Cryptocurrency miners may have long-term goals outside the cryptocurrency market. Providing computing power within fog / cloud computing is one of the options.
  • I don’t really like arguments about selling buckets during the gold rush (often used by cryptocurrers). They are distorting. Selling buckets is not enough and does not guarantee the investor a short-term or long-term return.
  • Investors in agriculture should work with European subsidies, there are opportunities.
  • Investing in indices is great.
  • The start-up scene is improving in the Czech Republic. There are beginning visible opportunities for larger and smaller investors.
  • Monitoring the brand’s economy is important for investors, especially with the current forecast of the impending crisis.

I am surprised that no alternative investment in P2P loans has been introduced . In the Czech Republic, it is a very popular way of valuing money for small and medium-sized investors, especially within the Zonky or Mintos platforms.

Complete report from the conference

Thoughts for investors: Report and view of Martin Rosulka in connection with the conference Investment Forum 1.10.2019

I report investment conferences regularly, and because it takes more time, I decided we could help each other. If you still want to read my  reports and investment ideas , I need your support.

I know you don’t have time to travel to conferences and spend Fridays, Saturdays and sometimes Sundays here. It is more time consuming and in some cases financially demanding, so I decided to offer complete reports only within the paid PDF.

If my reports have helped you in the past and you see useful value in them, below I offer my thoughts and notes from the Investment Forum conference, which took place on October 1, 2019. You will support me and at the same time get extended information and tips that interested and felt that those interested in investing might also be interested.

I prepared this report in such a way as to offer not only information from the conference, but I also tried to supplement my own view, opinion, context and personal feelings as well as additional information.

  • The report is 23 pages long.
  • The clear text of the report is 22,856 characters, ie 12.5 standard pages.
  • The goal is to deliver value to those interested in a relatively short time.
  • I have added a number of my own observations and ideas.

Individual chapters

  • Investment Forum Conference (p. 2)
  • Foreword by Martin Rosulka: Outlook for the Crisis (pp. 3 – 4)
  • Investments in the hydrogen economy (pp. 5 – 7)
  • Real Estate Investing (p. 8)
  • Investment in Czech whiskey (p. 9)
  • Investments in cryptocurrency mining and cloud computing (pp. 10 – 13)
  • Investment opportunities shared by Verdi Capital (pp. 14 – 15)
  • Investment in start-ups (p. 16)
  • Investments in exponential technologies (pp. 17 – 20)
  • Panel discussion ideas (pp. 21 – 22)