
Recyclix Review and My Own Experience

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Long-term deals with topics such as work on the Internet to earn on the internet, passive income, investment , etc. When I first discovered Recyclix (bonus for registration at the bottom of page) , he took me and now after a few months bring review and present their own experience .

I am a young internet entrepreneur (freelancer) and I work on the road. With the lifestyle of digital nomads, I am very interested in the area of ​​value for money . Guides on the Internet and the options offered to make money online are often misleading and I recommend using common sense.

I have been running this blog with complete openness since 2015 and I am happy to share tips on how to value your money.

Attention: Update 3/30/2017! Recyclix is ​​currently in crisis mode and I DO NOT recommend investing. More in the latest article The future of Recyclix? Investors lost all their money. What now?

Recyclix reviews

In May 2016, I participated in the Recyclix Open Day, saw their factories and spent 3 days with the company’s management. I recommend the report from the Recyclix event : Investment opportunity or scam and ponzi scheme?

Recyclix offers the opportunity to invest money in the plastics processing process. The reward is determined by a calculation that, in my experience, generates 6-14% per month. We can get 180 Euros a year from the invested 100 Euros. However, certain procedures must be followed.

Paradoxically, if we invade at random, it is possible to lose. That’s why I bring you this guide on how to invest with Recyclix and value your money safely .

I personally like Recyclix very much. By no means do I have all the money I have saved here. This is only a part of the investment portfolio. It’s just an interesting diversification.

Unlike harsh conservative instruments such as the Savings Account at AirBank, the ING account, Term Deposit is a dynamic form of investing that has no hidden fees and, following certain rules (I explain below), offers a  regular return that is often better than equity investments. But beware, it also has its risks! This is not a standard investment, it is rather speculation (in addition to HYIP).

Why invest in Recyclix?

  • Registration is completely free. In addition, you can get a bonus of 20 Euro.
  • No investment fees, such as on the stock exchange.
  • No hidden fees.
  • A stable company and recognized internationally in the field of waste recycling.
  • Higher value for money (compared to savings accounts, term deposits, etc.).

Now work a little with reserve. Explanation at the end of the article.

How to make money with Recyclix

Let’s imagine step by step how it is possible to make money with Recyclix.

I will mention at the outset that it is not necessary to invest one’s own resources. When you register for Recyclix using the link below, you will receive 20 Euros, which you can start to appreciate immediately.

To illustrate, let’s imagine an imaginary investment of 100 Euros.

We make money step by step with Recyclix

For 100 Euros you buy 500 kg of waste.

In 3 weeks of recycling, the waste turns into granules worth 200 Euros.

Click on Recycle and you will get 6% of the purchase price (100 Euro), ie 6 Euro.

In the next 2 weeks of recycling, the waste will turn into Granule worth 300 Euros.

If you click the Restart button to repeat the whole process, you will get 8% of the difference between the selling price of granules and granulate. In our case, it is 8% of 100 Euro (300 – 200). This means another profit of 8 Euro.

In total, with an investment of 100 Euros, this means 8 Euros in 5 weeks.

The number of recycling cycles is not limited.

Of course, if you do not want to continue recycling, you can sell the goods.

And now watch out!

The sale price is only 25% share. This means that out of 300 Euros, we would gain only 75 Euros by selling them.

And another catch!

If we sell the goods, then we will only be credited with a profit of 6% for the first 3 weeks. A gain of 8% for the second 2 weeks will not be credited. So we have to be careful here, because from our investment in 5 weeks we would get only 81 Euros with an immediate sale. That’s less than we put in!

Negative Recyclix Review – I don’t like this!

After reading the previous lines, the numbers are not based on the fact that we could make money with Recyclix. Personally, I don’t like that numbers and processes are so complicated. The whole recycling contains several conditions and the profit is attributed accordingly.

If we understand well the system on which Recyclix works, we can increase the money invested by 8-12% per month.

We make money when we recycle repeatedly

Recyklix is ​​built on repeated recycling cycles. It encourages us to continue recycling cycles over and over again and rewards us with a commission.

What does it look like in practice?

Do not collect money after the first completed cycle, but start further recycling. The first and second rewards of 6% and 8%, ie 14 Euro, will be credited to your account. It is up to you whether you continue with an investment of 100 Euros or decide to add the earned 14 Euros to the recycling process.

If you continue with 100 Euro, you will earn 14 Euro again in the next 5 weeks. So in 10 weeks we have 28 Euros and the process of another round of recycling has started. If we sell the goods in this third cycle, only the first reward of 6% will be credited to us + we will get 25% of the current value of the goods, resp. 6 Euro + 75 Euro. We have 109 Euros for investing with Recyclix in 15 weeks. We are 9 Euro plus.

This is not a big income yet.

Recyclix 14% appreciation money in five weeks

What if Recyclix and I extended it by one more cycle?

We would have 42 Euros in rewards and a recycling process running. At the end of the sale of goods again 6 Euro + 75 Euro. So in 20 weeks we have 123 Euros in our account.

In other words, from now on we get 14% every 5 weeks.

Annual appreciation with Recyclix 87.5%

I chose to show the appreciation of funds in a period of 8 cycles. One cycle lasts 5 weeks, so it is less than 12 months.

At the end of the eighth cycle, we will get 187.50 Euros out of the invested 100 Euros.

My experience with Recyclix

I have been investing with Recyclix since November 2015. I first invested 350 Euros (CZK 9,400). As this is a Polish company, it is possible to make a SEPA payment within the European Union. However, in my experience, I recommend transferring money using Transferwise because it offers a better exchange rate and you save.

UPDATE JUNE 2016: Transferwise no longer allows you to send money to Recyclix accounts. Coincidentally, they may not want to support a “strange” business model on the verge of scam and fraud. I went to see Latvia in person for the Open Day and here are my impressions:  Recyclix: Investment opportunity or scam and ponzi scheme?

UPDATE OCTOBER 2016: Total investment of about 700 Euros. Price of goods over 1000 Euro

UPDATE NOVEMBER 2016: I increased to 1000 Euro. I.e. maximum investment if you do not buy any machines (forklifts, granulators, etc.). This amount still allows you to get a monthly return of 14%.

I picked up a portion of the profits in my bitcoin wallet. Withdrawals on PayPal are subject to a 3.5% handling fee. It’s not terrible, but converting to bitcoin is absolutely free.

Recyclix reviews and experience in points

  • Withdrawal to PayPal (free PayPal management) is subject to a handling fee of 3.5%.
  • The minimum amount to withdraw is 20 Euro.
  • A choice can be made on a Bitcoin wallet.
  • Wire transfer is also an option to withdraw funds (here I am afraid of increased bank fees, not checked).

Get 20 Euros for free

As part of the promotion, Recyclix offered 20 Euros, which the first investors received immediately after registering for the program. Registration remained free and no one paid for membership. Recyclix had no hidden fees. He lured new members to gain 20 Euros to unleash the Ponzi scheme and spin the wheel. The more members and investors, the better the shot. After a few months, Recyclix decided to change this entry bonus and it was no longer possible to withdraw it (not even the enhanced profits). It was just a test and if you wanted to use Recyclix, you had to invest your own funds.

About Recyclix

Short official video in English.

The company is engaged in waste treatment and is a world pioneer in the field of recycling industry. It is a company based in Poland that combines its waste business with investment opportunities.

In other words, Recyclix allows an individual to participate in the waste treatment process and is rewarded with earnings commissions.

Why is plastics processing most profitable in waste recycling?

Qualified experts from Recyclix focus primarily on plastics processing in the field of waste recycling. The main reasons are:

  • Over the last 50 years, plastic consumption has increased by more than 20%.
  • More than 85% of European plastics are exported to China.
  • 80% of plastics are incinerated, only 20% of plastics are recycled.
  • Profits in the recycling industry are estimated in 2014 at an incredible 372 billion euros.

From this list, it is clear that Recyclix is ​​a company that monitors areas where it is possible to earn and be constantly profitable . On the other hand, it’s great that he’s working on waste and plastics , which partially solve one of the global problems of the green planet .

Concluding about investing with Recyclix

In this post, I have summarized the most important things about investing with Recyclix. From my own experience, I can recommend such speculation for those who are looking for a dynamic and risky tool on how to make money without much effort. We put in the money and let it work for us. Almost passive income. However, Recyclix is ​​not an open business that you can analyze and decide based on financial numbers. You don’t have any, Recyclix people are hidden identities. Recyclix is ​​a HYIP, ponzicho scheme. As long as the wheel spins, everything is fine. But, after about 2.5 years, Recyclix has undergone a major change and is unlikely to recover. Most investors have lost their money (this is already the case in HYIP programs).