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How patience, calmness, goodness, humility can help you during a pandemic and economic crisis?

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During a pandemic and economic crisis because of coronavirus going on, everybody’s panicking.

Look at the people now they’re so scared walking around with masks on in the supermarket just weird stuff going on, you know, and well, I think that it’s essential to stay calm during any crisis. Because otherwise you’ll make stupid decisions and that’s never a good thing.

We got an understanding that with every crisis, it also comes with an equally same amount of opportunity.

And that means that during this upcoming session, this next period, this upcoming time of hardship could either be times of crisis or opportunity, depending on how you act, how you react, and how you show up.

Invest not save.

You see, during times of panic, during times of fear, that is when people become irrational.

That’s when people follow emotions rather than logic. And this is why during a time like this:       you will see the stock market tanking, and you will see people wanting to sell and hoard on either hold cash or like toilet paper.

And during this time, to keep your eyes open, and to depend on your financial strength is your financial muscle, this time to look out for opportunities.

Because during a time like this, this is when most people want to liquidate, this is when people want to hoard cash, this is the world will sell.

Open up your eyes, look around and come from the angle and the mindset of investing rather than saving.

Grow not to shrink.

During a time like this, here’s what’s going to happen.

People are using social media, and everyone has chat groups, and depending on your confirmation bias, you are going to be optimistic or the other end pessimistic where the world is going to end, it’s doomsday.

And depending on your confirmation bias, you want to think about you are currently being over-optimistic, or are you being pessimistic?

If you don’t know the answer, the way to think about it is just thinking about the articles that you have been reading.

Are you telling yourself this whole coronavirus thing is just a scam, it’s a political thing, perpetuated by some countries?

What type of information you’re consuming this will determine how you look at what’s going to happen, the situation, and what you focus on will grow. And this is the time to grow, not shrink.

Hoard Positivity

Perspective, if we understand that this too will pass that this thing is temporary, it’s going to be a couple of months, maybe a year. And if we know the perspective that right now, like real life, people are losing their loved ones.

And if we can be grateful and focus on the positive side of things, and this is not just random, you know, Law of Attraction, let’s hold hands in fact, let’s not keep hands.

But focus on the fact that this too will pass and that you can’t win the outer game if you’re losing the inner game.

4: eat right, not junk.

People still forget that people die from being diabetic; people die from sugar more than this virus right now.

More than ever during the time, this would be an opportunity if you are locked down, if you’re forced to stay at home, if you’re quarantined to double down on your health, on your diet, on the fuel that you put in your body, rather than eating crap and junk.

You don’t need fancy equipment, and you need your body weight. And if anything at all, this would be the opportunity to boost up your immune system, to eat right, to take care of yourself, your mental clarity, your health because you won’t be able to function if you’re putting crap in your body.

So take this as an opportunity to look after your health, boost your immune systems, eat right, and gain back your physical as well as your mental health.

Produce, Not Consume.

If you’re going to take a look at this shift, what is the shift?

The attention right now, when people are staying home, and people are fearful, is over here. And notice, we all know, is the new currency. And you could be like the rest of the 99.9% of the world,

which is doing what?

Consuming, on Facebook, look at what’s happening in the world, at look friends are posting, what people are talking about the virus and be the consumer, or you could be the producer.

Because right now more than ever, people are going to be having the attention, they’re consuming stuff, and you could be that 0.1% of people that put out content.

If you have kids, and your kids are just quarantined at home right now, and they’re just being on YouTube or playing computer games 10 hours a day, think about switching that up.

Because social media is here to stay, it’s not about banning social media, and it is about shifting from being a consumer to a producer.

And when you’re a producer, it’s not about just monetizing, it’s not about just having a more significant reach, but also again, this is growth.

Plan Not To Panic.

Right now, if you’re an entrepreneur, whatever business you’re in, let’s face it, all activities are affected.

Whether you’re selling physical products, and now there’s less demand, or you’re selling physical products, and there’s more demand than ever, but let’s face its supply chain is affected, whether you’re in live events, if you’re a coach, everything’s changed.

And chances are you want to ask yourself at this current rate, with the fall in demand, or the lack of supply to meet up with the increase in the order you want to ask yourself at this current rate, what is your current run rate and are you bleeding cash each month?

And when you understand that this is and you face reality rather than just brushing it aside, that’s when you’ll realize if you have to double down, if you take a job on Fiverr, if you have to do that side hustle, so that you can earn that side income, plan not to panic.

Workout, Not Netflix.

Now, during a time like this, this is an opportunity to just double down on yourself, on your health, it’s not only financially, but take this as an opportunity where you can change the quality of your life if you asked to work from home.

So like just a couple of days back, I told my entire team that we’re implementing a work from home policy for everyone indefinitely until this, you know, things changed.

If you are staying at home, you should be, depending on which part of the world you’re watching this from, think about how you can be excited about your workouts.